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Make Easy Money: Get Paid for Reviewing Apps Right Away!

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작성자 Joyce Julian
댓글 0건 조회 18회 작성일 24-07-19 00:42


How to Make Money by Reviewing Apps
1. Introduction
App reviewing is becoming vastly popular as the people of today's generation started to heavily rely on apps in their day to day life. The purpose of app reviewing is to practice testing apps for cash, although there are other ways such as to gain publicity and various other reasons. This can be very attractive to a wide range of people especially the younger demographic and is an interesting and pretty easy way to make money. App reviewing is essentially in the mindset of a consumer, either through providing a written article on the app, video review or a star rating. Usually people who are reviewing apps will provide a written article. Star ratings are essential to most apps survival and the better the rating the more money the app will make, it's at the review where the app developers will pay people to maximize or give a dishonest rating to increase the overall rating for the app. This also a good opportunity towards people who want to Get rewarded for your opinions - click here to start earning by reviewing apps! into game development and reckon on memory of price of the app and nature of the game, ask the developer for a chance to take a peek at the game's development and provide a review to increase its rating, providing a cheaper cost solution towards quality assurance testing.
1.1. Overview of App Reviewing
The first step into getting into app reviewing is to get a hold of some apps. The best way to get apps is straight from the developer. If the developer knows that you will write a professional, honest review, then some may be willing to give you a complimentary copy of their app. An app reviewer can typically receive apps from a word of mouth reference or directly from the app developer. For those reviewers looking to receive large amounts of apps, it may be a good idea to create a new email account dedicated solely to app reviewing. This will allow app developers to easily contact you, and it can help to stay organized.
App reviewing is one of the methods of app promotion. It is a competency that is rapidly growing in popularity. Business users and developers are keen to find out about their apps, as they are seeking critical feedback that will enable them to improve their app and enhance their reputation. Reviewers are usually given a complimentary copy of the app, which can be anything from a free download to a free membership. Reviewing an app is just like writing a product review. The reviewer will need to test all areas of the app and compare it to other similar apps. If the review is being published on a website, then the developer may ask the reviewer to add a backlink to the app. This is good for the developer as it will help to increase the app's search engine ranking.
1.2. Benefits of Reviewing Apps
The primary profit for this isn’t something to do with writing however really testing functions. Although KRA would often obtain a free app obtain hyperlink from a developer it’s usually an invite to put in writing on a selected app or to evaluate their app on a web site submit. There are occasions when content material concepts will not be one thing associated to an app or a recreation so these app hyperlinks get put apart for instances when there’s nothing to put in writing about. With so many apps in queue to verify, app reviewing can simply be substituted for any non-productive content material time. Actual articles will nonetheless be written as deliberate as a result of app reviewing is commonly a time in between article creation to discover a break from work. However with a a great deal of developer contacts and app evaluation gives, KRA won’t ever run out of app reviewing duties. This truly makes it potential to create income from app reviewing as a result of the extra app evaluations and better curiosity app posts will produce readers to the app evaluation and probably the app itself. This in method is an app promotion for the developer and his app but it surely helps KRA in lots of instances and extra app promotion ideas and totally different app sorts can encourage some associated information submit concept. Although it will not produce income there are occasions the place receiving cost to put in writing an app overview is a simple sure for further incoming cash however informal app use for non-public opinions will nonetheless be app reviewing mission.
Free apps. It is an awesome concept and everybody loves it until of numerous course of affairs. Free apps earlier than, during or after use, irritate users with numerous forms of promoting. However some pay him to review apps greater than others. This is for an precise job very comparable to freelance writing. You’re employed whilst you need, no sample for anybody, however type articles/reviews of apps when you should on Kim’s app or from a spreadsheet that comprises the record view of all of the app overview requests he acquired? Full with information on value, hyperlink to the app, hyperlink to information about app and naturally the quantity he’s going to be paid to do it. App reviewing though is an non-obligatory money making technique for KRA. He’ll nonetheless evaluate apps in his personal time simply see if issues are value getting or in case it’s one thing related to a information submit on the positioning. But when any app reviewing is completed it will likely be a precedence for articles submitted and there can be every day exercise, thus having no interference within the being profitable report. This experiment is clearly an on-going factor as a wide range of apps are developed in the marketplace so there’s a probability of a comply with up article to this in future.
2. Getting Started
Find app reviewing opportunities on the web. The internet is constantly evolving, and someone, somewhere, is always in need of a writer. Whenever you're using an app, particularly if it's a free app, it's likely that the app has a page on a web browser for it. This is one of the most popular ways for app developers to advertise their app. Search the internet for app reviewing jobs. There are plenty of web pages and forums dedicated to this. iPhone and iPod Touch users can check out Touch Arcade. For Android users, head to Android apps and games. Web pages and forums usually have a space at the bottom of the page for new threads or comments, often hiring reviewers to write for them. Consider making an account and apply for a reviewing job. This step doesn't necessarily have to be done from your computer. Smartphones that have browsing capabilities often have the same feature. If you're having trouble finding reviewing jobs from your phone, try visiting these web pages from a computer to increase viewability. Apps are also frequently updated, so it's a good idea to periodically check the web for an app reviewing job.
Register and create profiles on the reviewed item. A lot of companies and developers look for an app reviewer with a strong sense of professionalism and strong viewership. Creating an account or profile adds a sense of credibility and dedication to your work. It also saves developers time because it's easier to contact you and increases your chances of getting the job. Depending on the item that you've been hired to review, you may need to register an account at a website to begin reviewing. An example is getting hired to review a video game. In this case, you would want to register an account at the game's official forums site. This method varies, but most registering can be done through the item or developer's web page, and it's usually free.
2.1. Finding App Reviewing Opportunities
If you are looking to test a wide array of apps, there are a lot of opportunities for you to make money. The first method is to use Appdown. They pay you in points for every app you download and review. You can then exchange these points for cash rewards or gift cards. Each day they have a list of the top 5 newly uploaded apps that you can download and review for double points. These apps are usually looking for a quick increase in positive ratings and so tend to pay more for app reviews. Appdown is actually pretty good at providing you with apps that are from the most current market. There are a couple of steps that you must go through, and it may take a while for you to accumulate a large amount of money, but if you keep at it you will find that app reviewing can be fairly lucrative. Another similar way to Appdown is to use app review websites. These websites pay you up to approximately $0.40 per review. Usually you are given a selection of apps to choose from. The way that it works is that the higher paying apps require a higher level of expertise before you are permitted to review them. Each app requires a different number of words for the review to be accepted. Once it is accepted, the money is transferred to your account, from which you can then transfer it to PayPal. Be warned, some of these sites are scams so be diligent in your research before deciding to do reviews for a particular company. Some of the more common and known companies include Software Judge and FameBit.
2.2. Registering and Creating Profiles
This process actually might not be too hard for many app reviewers since many apps require a profile of some kind to be accessed. This step is still included though because there are some apps and reviewing opportunities (such as beta testing) which require a level of user registration that is not too time consuming but is important for the access of future reviewing opportunities. Remember that as an app reviewer, it is a good idea to have an email specifically for app reviewing. An email should be based on your reviews and be professional, and this should be the email you use when registering for any apps. Email registration is your standard and it is easy to fill in an email, change your mind, and enter a different one after all. There are times, however, when apps require email verification before allowing access to the app or the reviewing opportunity. At times like these, it is a good idea to have an alternate email which you can quickly verify from, but more on that later.
The basic registration form for many apps is name, age, date of birth, email, etc., in which case you should use said email. But there are times when apps it is beneficial to have a fully detailed profile of the average user. For example, if the opportunity is game testing Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm, the developers and/or publishers might want people experienced in the franchise to help with the game and want that person's information to check if they do meet the requirements. This is also very beneficial because the app developers/publishers might want a review from the experienced Naruto player with an intimate knowledge of the source material. Using this information, some opportunities can be easily targeted to best suit you. For example, anime fans might be asked to review an anime or JRPG game on a site like MANGA.TV.
2.3. Understanding Review Guidelines
In circumstances where you have a physical contract to conduct a set amount of reviews for an app, it may be a good idea to contact the app provider to let them know that a certain app may not be appropriate for reviewing, in the case of it being poorly made or just not fun to play. I once received a reply from a developer asking me to skip out on a review for a specific app as the game was getting a major update not far off in the future, and they would prefer to have the game reviewed in its updated state.
It is important to read and understand the review guidelines that an app provider has set in place. The main reason for this is to avoid spending time working on a review that will be rejected. Guidelines are usually provided to ensure that reviews are provided in a constructive and informative manner, something that may be difficult to achieve when the app being reviewed does not function correctly or simply isn't very good. If you are under any deadlines to complete reviews, then it is best to find multiple apps that have adequate reviewing guidelines. It is best to completely avoid reviews that are only a few lines long or ask for a positive review in exchange for in-game currency, etc.
3. Reviewing Apps Effectively
At a glance, the trade of reviewing apps in order to make money may seem not very profitable despite the job being easy to complete. Prices range from $0.50 to $2.00 to review an app, and with most app reviews not taking up too much time, the speed of making profit is considered slow. However, the benefit of this work is being able to take on or relinquish reviews at any given time and the freedom to work whenever and from wherever. This, in itself, makes app review a suitable simple second job perfect for those who make money from various streams, e.g., university students.
Different types of apps, such as for games, productivity, or learning, require a variety of review methods. However, the general idea is to present your opinion about the app in a favorable or unfavorable way. There are a number of points that make up a successful app review, and improving this skill can lead to a more profitable second job or at least pocket money. These points are to evaluate app features and functionality, provide constructive feedback, write clear and detailed reviews, and rate and rank the app. Each of these points will be explored and explained below.
3.1. Evaluating App Features and Functionality
It's important to review how well the app actually uses the features at its disposal. There are tons of apps out now that are very original ideas, but were let down by their functionality or features. A good example of this is the Steam Clock app. This idea is a screen that displays a clock, however there is also a visual of how an analog clock would look if exposed to steam. The clock erodes away with the steam and once the clock is wiped away entirely the screen changes to a new clock trivia question. This is a very neat concept, though all that the clock offers is all there is to this app. This is not enough functionality to keep a user interested in returning to the app, therefore the features and functionality do not match up to the idea's potential.
Features are the tools implemented by developers, functionality is what the app actually does with those tools. There's nothing worse than an app that has a great idea behind it, but the app just doesn't work. An example is the iSteam app. This app is a graphical simulation of a steam slider. The user has to rub the iPhone's screen to get the steam slider to work. Once the iPhone realizes the motion of rubbing the screen, it redirects the phone to a website, saying the app is still in development. Now this is a very simple idea, and actually a good one. Although, the functionality of the app is nothing close to what an iSteam app would be. If the slider actually led to a new graphical display on the phone portraying how a foggy screen would look, this app could be a day-to-day fun toy. Since the slider just leads to a website, the functionality of this app doesn't match up with the good idea.
3.2. Providing Constructive Feedback
Some of those involved in the apps industry may think that finding faults with the applications at hand and harping upon them is an easy task. On the contrary, it often requires a great deal of thought to provide suitable recommendations and feedback that will improve the application and help its developers. Identifying problems and providing solutions is a critical aspect of the feedback process. Problems can exist in any shape or form, most commonly being bugs, but also can be feature requests, confusing user interface elements, or performance and efficiency related issues. Basically, any suggestion you make that will lead to a concrete improvement is considered feedback. As a reviewer, remember that your opinions are those of a third party. You are the bit of the outside world that's been brought in to improve the product. Any feedback you leave should be based on what will benefit the end users of the application. It is a common mistake for reviewers to provide feedback that stems from their personal preferences. While you can make note of things you didn't like, it's vital that you differentiate between subjective opinions which won't help in an application's improvement, and solid objective feedback. For example, stating "I think the color scheme is ugly and unappealing" is not very helpful. You should try to pinpoint exactly what it is about the color scheme that makes it unappealing and suggest a better alternative.
3.3. Writing Clear and Detailed Reviews
Writing an effective review is actually more difficult than it sounds. No one wants to read a review that is nothing more than a string of unorganized thoughts. A good review should be detailed enough to give people an understanding of what to expect from the app without giving so much information that reading the review becomes a waste of time. This requires finding a good middle ground. Another important aspect of a good review is the ability to get the writer's point across without being repetitive. This means clearly explaining each thought, and only going over each point as many times as necessary. The final key to writing a good review is to keep the review organized. Forming the review around specific points and using descriptive sub-headlines can keep a review easy to follow and quite a bit more enjoyable to read. In the end, this is what is most important when writing a review, as better reviews are more likely to be read, and an AppsFind.me moderator is more likely to rate a well-written review as helpful. By following these suggestions, anyone can write more concise, detailed, and effective reviews for the apps they have tried.
3.4. Rating and Ranking Apps
An alternative to a global rating is one given with an expectation of how good the app is in comparison to other similar apps. This will aid the reader in determining how worthwhile the app is. This rating is most useful when the review states the reasons for the expectation.
The error most reviewers make, which could be called a "global rating", is giving the app a rating based on the overall impression it left on them. This often results in a high rating being given to a simple app that was fun to use, but the app only has one level and becomes boring within a week. This situation could be better judged by forgetting the fun factor of the app and rating its depth instead. This is a weak global indicator, and by stating the app's specific qualities or problems alongside the rating in the review, you will give the future reader a more accurate picture of the app's worth to them.
Your ratings play an important role. Each review you write consists of a rating for the application. Unfortunately, most reviewers supply a rating and not much else, effectively making the rating the review. While this is poor reviewing, a well-explained rating is a powerful tool. A rating tells at a glance the quality of the app; an interested reader can find at a glance the reason why the app was rated as such. Therefore, ratings are extremely important and must be based on your experiences with the app.
4. Getting Paid for App Reviews
The best method of payment is usually the most simple method that the developer will agree to. Characteristics of a best method of payment include ease of payment collection, and scheduled payment date. Scheduled or upfront payment offers are the best for obvious reasons. Ease of payment collection is also very important, I once spent over an hour attempting to collect a $30 payment from a developer. Payment was made in $5 increments via a series of $5 payments sent to the wrong email address. The developer actually ended up having to pay me $35 because he accidentally sent one of the payments to someone else! This wasn't too horrible of an experience as on an hourly basis it was really good pay, but needless to say it would have been much better if payment was easily sent in one $30 payment.
"Review for [App name] agreement
([Your name]) will review [App name] by (developer name) within the 7 day period following the completion of this agreement. Payment of $50 will be paid via PayPal to PayPal email address [your PayPal email address], within 3 days of the completion of the review. This agreement is effective as of the date of (today's date)."
Different developers have different models of how they will pay you to review apps. Some developers will simply offer to pay you a flat rate to review a specific app. Other developers may offer a percentage of the revenue generated by the app. Revenue offers can be very appealing depending on the revenue potential of the app, but they also can be risky because the developer may not end up paying you especially if the app doesn't generate much revenue. Revenue offers can be made in different ways; one developer offered to split the revenue generated by his app 50/50 between myself and another reviewer who also reviewed the app. This is a good offer, because it doesn't put all your eggs in one basket, however, it also may be hard to collect the revenue generated by the app without a formal agreement and use of tracking software. Developing an informal contract with the developer specifying payment amount, and payment date is a recommended practice for any payment model. An example of a formal agreement is below.
4.1. Different Payment Models
What tends to be everyone's favorite topic when it comes to pocket a little extra cash is learning how to make money as quickly and easily as possible. All of us have our talents. Some of us aren't bad in the kitchen and might consider catering to make a little extra money or just making simple dishes for friends and family. Others are good with their hands and can build or fix things for people, while yet another group might consider trying to capitalize on something that they already do as a hobby. This group is the one that checks make money reviewing apps. Now I can't say that I've ever been in touch with someone to find out if they made any real money doing this before, but chances are they probably have in some shape or form if they had a means of receiving the apps for free. For those of you who might think this is something you'd like to pique your interest in, taking a look at how the different payment models work can be very important. The last thing you want to do is have a bunch of app reviews out there and then find that the work you did wasn't worth the money you received for doing it.
4.2. Maximizing Earnings through Bonus Programs
Many app troopers have begun to recognize and understand that there are bonus earning opportunities out there that can really increase your monthly earnings if you know how to best take advantage of them. Furthermore, becoming aware of and understanding what bonus methods are actually out there is important in itself. When discussing bonus programs, be aware of the two main methods: payments for being more active, and payment incentives to review specific apps. Typically, bonus programs revolve around site activity and participation, and some sites will provide increased payment if you remain active on the site or participate in activities such as app reviewing or referring other members to the site. An example of this can be seen with CashCrate's program where if you earn $10 or more in a month, the following month your earnings will be increased by 10%, reaching the maximum increase of 30% if you can consistently earn $150 or more each month. This bonus method is excellent for taking advantage of a payment increase as more often than not the extra stipulations are not very hard to meet. With the example given, $10 in a month is little effort for many app troopers who may already be generating well over $40 a week in app payments. This would essentially mean that app reviewing would only count for half of their presence and earnings on the site, and they could be spending more time to secure those app payments knowing they're worth more.
4.3. Ensuring Payment Security and Reliability
When getting paid to review apps, you are likely to encounter a wide variety of payment methods. When selecting which apps to review, it is essential to ensure that payments will be made securely and reliably. Many app developers may attempt to avoid payment by claiming that the terms were not met, or that the user did not provide the service promised. For this reason, it is crucial to have a clear and documented agreement with the developer. For sponsored reviews, this often means a signed contract in which both parties agree to the terms. For pay-per-download apps, a record should be kept of exactly how much is owed, and a notification should be sent to the developer once this amount is surpassed so payment can be arranged. It is important not to hassle the developer for payment too often, as app developers contacting reviewers is often a sign of desperation to receive a free service. If the developer repeatedly avoids payment, it may be best to cut your losses and avoid further contact.
App developers can sometimes be unreliable and elusive. They may cancel distribution of the app with no notice, refuse payment for unjust reasons, or simply 'disappear' without any contact. For this reason, it is often preferred to deal with professional app development studios rather than individual developers. The reliability of a company can often be researched by looking at their history of app releases and any customer reviews which are available. Some app developers will outsource their promotion to marketing companies; in this case it is important to ensure that the developer has given the marketer permission to arrange a review, as dealing with a middleman can sometimes result in a 'missed connection' between the reviewer and the developer.Fee-Revenue-Collage_resized.jpg


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