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Out-door Games: Cricket and Golf/Chapter Q0

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작성자 Rick
댓글 0건 조회 127회 작성일 24-07-10 18:41


In football you run your hardest and kick your hardest, and few spectators are much the wiser; and a nervous man can always hit hard at golf off the tee and through the green, for as he has not got to think of strength, he is less likely to fidget and foozle the ball. Dr. Fogg is a psychologist and the author of Persuasive Technology: Using Computers to Change What We Think and Do. It is also-there’s another method of using it which is for counting seconds. The word "meditation," in English, doesn’t have quite the same meaning. In billiards you play for a whole evening or for a whole match on the same table; that is a very small object as compared with a putting-green, and if you have any pretensions to play at all, you ought to gauge the pace of a billiard-table after an hour's play. You play with the same cue at billiards, with the same bat at cricket, with the same mallet at croquet, with the same racquet at tennis, lawn-tennis, and racquets; golf is the only game in the world, as far as I know, where it is absolutely necessary to have a minimum number of five or six clubs to play a game with.

Now it is only the best players who are masters equally of five or six clubs, and I doubt if this can be said truly even of them. The young player is strong and feels capable of anything as far as distance and power are concerned: he might remove mountains with his driver and brassey, but in his heart he would not object to let his caddie approach and hole out for him. Take a stroke of eighty yards and one of forty, the mashie or some sort of lofted iron would be used for both these shots; and yet a player knows that at one distance he has a good chance of making a good stroke, at the other distance his heart goes into his boots. But I never can open my lips-and it isn't often, goodness knows! I do not pretend to say that an average player is always "off" with this or that club, but as every golfer knows there come times or spells of times when all skill with one class of club seems to vanish. But Mr. Hilton has to take out an iron club, because there are some occasions when it is absolutely impossible to use any other club.

The player with only an ordinary capacity perhaps may feel really confident with only one club, and yet has to play with several; so of him it may be said that every stroke-except that played with one club-is a trial to his nerves. Nerves appear to be absent one day and painfully present another: so there are red-letter days when even a nervous man can putt, but the more nervous a man is the worse will he putt, and in no other part of the game will he find nerves play such demoniacal tricks. Three of the picks are of a "hook" design. Set such a man on a putting-green with a putter and three or four balls, and he will very likely putt as well as the best professional; ask him to drive or play a brassey and he will be nowhere. If a man is off his drive he nevertheless has to play with his driver or brassey off the tee, for to drive with a cleek is ignominious and fatiguing withal. A great player-I may say a very great player-once told me that he had been unable to drive off the tee to his satisfaction for no less a period than four years-this player must have been more than human if to a greater or less degree he was not during all that time in an important match troubled with nerves when he took his stand on the tee.

We shall not be together long, now: it's been some time coming, but, at last, we must separate: and the wife I've been to you! What pleasure any man can take in such stuff must astonish any sensible woman. To prove how much nerve is the first, second, and third necessity in putting, you may take a man of thirty years old who has been and perhaps still is a good cricketer, and has a good eye for games generally. The Peterson picks are more sturdy, at the expense of being bulkier (but they still fit easily in many of the keyways you'll be picking). The principles and skills of lock picking, once mastered, can be applied against the vast majority of commercial pin tumbler locks, and the basic tools, if somewhat unusual, are quite simple. Both the pick and the torque tool also amplify and transmit feedback about the state of the lock back to their user. It is important to develop a "mental image" of the internal state of the lock, the locations of the pins and your pick, etc, as you manipulate the pins. Apply light torque while pivoting a long, wavy rake inside the lock, inserting and removing it slightly as you go.

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