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Why is Vitamin D Essential For Kids' Growth?

페이지 정보

작성자 Zelda
댓글 0건 조회 28회 작성일 24-06-14 01:07


Vitamin D is renowned as the "Sunshine Vitamin" as our bodies can produce it through the action of UV radiation from sunlight on some chemicals in our skin. Despite having a natural source of vitamin D from sunlight, kids may not get enough for their overall growth.

In fact, a baby's need for vitamin D initiates during the embryonic stage and proceeds through childhood and adulthood. Getting adequate vitamin D is necessary for kids way more than adults as they are at their growing age. Vitamin D is needed for bone development and children's growth. It helps kids' bodies to absorb calcium from their food items. The lack of vitamin D levels can result in rickets, muscle weakness, delayed motor development, and fractures.

Why is Vitamin D so important for children?

Vitamin D is important for bone development and growth in children. It facilitates the absorption of calcium and the development of strong bones and teeth. It also functions as a hormone and is essential for many bodily functions such as immune system regulation, cell growth, and insulin production.

Vitamin D is a nutrient that facilitates the body's absorption of calcium from the foods we consume. Calcium and vitamin D work together to strengthen and build bones. It is even essential for heart health and infection prevention.

Sources of Vitamin D

Vitamin D can be obtained from the following three different sources.


As mentioned earlier, sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. Children require sunlight on their skin for their bodies to produce vitamin D. This method provides approximately 80% of one's vitamin D requirement. However, this source may not be able to meet their demand because kids are usually covered with clothes outdoors.

Food Sources:

Vitamin D-rich food items must be provided to children. Salmon, liver, mushrooms, and egg yolks are natural sources of vitamin D. It is even added in some foods like low-fat dairy products and cereals.


Sunlight and diet are recommended for children who have slight vitamin D deficiencies. Children with severe vitamin D deficiency, on the other hand, are given vitamin D supplements. Vitamin D supplements can be taken in large, single doses, or tiny doses over a period of weeks or months, as per the doctor's instructions.

Breastfeeding is also a major source of vitamin D for infants. Furthermore, it is necessary to provide vitamin D supplements mainly in the form of drops.

Generally, vit D is tagged as vit D3. And you can avail our joint care gummies with vit D3 for your kid. You can also get the vit D3 mixed berry flavor drops for your kids. We have a wide variety of supplements for kids you can check out here.

How much vitamin D do kids need?

Vit D is usually classified in international units (IU).

Babies under the age of one year require 400 IU of vit D per day. Baby formula contains 400 IU per liter, so infants who drink at least 32 ounces of formula per day are adequately nourished. If your baby only drinks breast milk or gets less than 32 ounces of formula per day, talk to your doctor about giving him or her a vit D supplement.

Children above the age of one year require 600 IU or more of vit D per day. Pediatricians frequently advise healthy children to take 600 to 1,000 IU daily.

Key Takeaways

So, vit D plays a very crucial role in the development of kids. Its deficiency will lead to many risks for children. Vit D facilitates the body's absorption of calcium, a necessary component for strong bones.

Therefore, we have formulated calcium plus vitamin D3 gummies for kids. These are specifically crafted for children above 4 years of age. ProperVit always ensures to provide health beneficial products. We even have vitamin D3 dietary supplements for adults you can buy for yourself!

With the arrival of winters people's joint pain rises to its supremacy. You may wonder why it does so. Well, it has many reasons. Joint pains are signs of an injury or an essential health condition. However, cold weather causes joint problems, especially if you have to spend time outside during the winter.

Hence, complaints about joint pain are more common during the winter than at other times of the year. We have manufactured joint flex capsules to support your joint health. It is a dietary supplement you can consume to get relief from joint pain.

Insufficient research has been conducted to determine the cause of this condition. During the colder months, the body tries to retain heat by sending more blood to body parts in the midsection of the body, such as the heart, lungs, and internal tract.

Therefore, we have formulated calcium plus vitamin D3 BioXtrim Gummies Erfahrung for kids. These are specifically crafted for children above 4 years of age. ProperVit always ensures to provide health beneficial products. We even have vitamin D3 dietary supplements for adults you can buy for yourself!


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